
Using Rasa custom actions

Let's have a quick look at your project folder structure.

|- .botfront
|- actions
|- botfront-db
|- models
Folder Description
.botfront Project configuration files, docker-compose files.
actions Custom actions for the actions server
botfront-db MongoDB persisted files
models Persisted models


Our end goal is a conversation like this:

- User: We want to book a room for 2 adults and 2 kids
- Bot: You are 4 in total and that is an even number

But let's start with a simple version:

- User: We want to book a room for 2 adults and 2 kids
- Bot: Ok

1. Add a story

Open project/stories/stories.md in your favorite editor. It already contain a story. Add the second one.

## faq
* faq OR faq{"intent":"any"}
  - action_faq

## Inform guests 
* inform_guests
  - utter_ok

2. Update the domain

Open project/domains/domain.yml and add inform_guests to the intents section and utter_guests to the actions section.

```yaml{3,9} intents: - faq - inform_guests # Declare the intent


actions: - action_faq - utter_ok# Declare the action

### 3. Train Core on your story
Open a new tab in your terminal and run `./train_core.sh` from the root project folder.
When Core has restarted after the training (it may take a minute), verify that the story works by typing `/inform_guests`

::: tip
Note that we prefixed the intent with `/`. Since there is no training data for that intent, we can't use natural language yet. The `/` allows us to invoke the intent directly.

The bot should reply with `utter_ok`.

<video autoplay muted loop width="740" controls>
  <source src="../../../videos/core_simple_story.mp4" type="video/mp4">
  Your browser does not support the video tag.

In the next sections we'll make the interaction more natural.

### 4. Add training data to `inform_guests`

Add the following examples to the `inform_guests` intent of your NLU model **and re-train it**:
We need a room for 2 adults and 2 children A room tonight for 2 adults and 3 kids A room for 2 adults
::: tip Note
We're assuming you still have the training data from the Quick Start guide. If not, make sure you have at least data for 2 intents. You can always add some from the Chit Chat.

<video autoplay muted loop width="740" controls>
  <source src="../../../videos/nlu_insert_many.mp4" type="video/mp4">
  Your browser does not support the video tag.

### 5. Add a bot response and test your bot

Finally, let's create a bot response for the `utter_ok` template we put in the story.

<video autoplay muted loop width="740" controls>
  <source src="../../../videos/core_bot_response.mp4" type="video/mp4">
  Your browser does not support the video tag.

::: tip
You just created a sequence of messages. The bot will utter 2 messages even if your story only had one action following `* inform_guests`

## Custom Actions

Let's just remind ourselves our end goal:
- User: We want to book a room for 2 adults and 2 kids - Bot: You are 4 in total and that is an even number
We need the following changes:
1. Add Duckling to our NLU pipeline to extract the numbers
2. Create a custom action to sum all the numbers found in the utterance and tell if it's an odd or even number.

### 1. Add Duckling to the NLU pipeline

[Duckling](https://github.com/facebook/duckling) is an open source package by Facebook to extract structured entities such as numbers, dates, amounts of money, weights, volumes and so on.

Duckling is integrated in your project as a container (see the `docker-compose.yml` file in the project's root folder).

_Adding Duckling to the NLU pipeline_ means that we are going to use Duckling to extract numbers from user utterances ("2 adults and 2 kids").
- name: "components.botfront.duckling_http_extractor.DucklingHTTPExtractor" url: "http://duckling:8000" dimensions: - "number"
::: tip NOTE
`components.botfront.duckling_http_extractor.DucklingHTTPExtractor` provides the same functionality as `ner_http_duckling` and adds the possiblity to append the user `timezone` and `reftime` to the query string for better personalization of the user experience. More in the **Training Data > API** tab.

<video autoplay muted loop width="740" controls>
  <source src="../../../videos/add_duckling.mp4" type="video/mp4">
  Your browser does not support the video tag.

### 2. Create a custom action

Open the `actions/custom_actions/` and add a new file called `my_actions.py` and paste the following content:

import logging
from functools import reduce
from rasa_core_sdk import Action
from rasa_core_sdk.events import SlotSet, ReminderScheduled

logger = logging.getLogger()

class GuestsAction(Action):

    def name(self):
        return 'action_guests'

    def run(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
        entities = tracker.latest_message.get('entities', [])

        # Only keep 'number' entities
        numbers = list(filter(lambda e: e.get('entity') == 'number', entities))

        # Stop here if no numbers found
        if not len(numbers):
            dispatcher.utter_message("How many are you?")
            return []

        # Compute the sum of all 'number' entity values
        number_of_guests = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, map(lambda e:e.get('value'), numbers))

        is_even = number_of_guests % 2 == 0 

        message = 'You are {number_of_guests} in total and that is an {is_even} number'.format(
            is_even='even' if is_even else 'odd')

        return []

Save your file. The actions service should be rebuilding and you should see this in the terminal window showing logs:

INFO:rasa_core_sdk.executor:Registered function for 'action_faq'.
INFO:rasa_core_sdk.executor:Registered function for 'action_guests'.

3. Update your story and your domain

Now let's change the story (in stories.md) we created just earlier: replace the action utter_ok with action_guests

## faq
* faq OR faq{"intent":"any"}
  - action_faq

## Inform guests 
* inform_guests
  - action_guests
::: tip The action name action_guests comes from the name() method of the GuestsAction class. :::

We also need to replicate that change in the domain.yml file: substitute utter_ok with action_guests

```yaml{9} intents: - faq - inform_guests ...

actions: - action_faq - action_guests ```

4. Retrain your policy and test your bot

Run ./train_core.sh. The core server will be unavailable for a minute (you'll see the Waiting for server... message in Botfront). Then you can test the result:

5. Shutting down

You can safely shut down your project with Cmd/Ctrl+C and run docker-compose down to free all resources. Your data is still persisted in the db folder and will be accessible from Botfront the next time you turn it on.

Next steps

Congratulations, you've learned how to use Rasa with Botfront. Everything you read on the official Rasa documentation should apply with a few exceptions such as voice and messaging platforms.

Feel free to give your feedback and ask questions on the Spectrum community

最后更新: July 6, 2021