
Install requirements


::: tip 该文档会指引你安装配置项目运行所需要的 Node.JS 和 Docker,如果你已经配置好了这两个环境,请直接忽略本节。 :::

安装 Docker

Just download and execute Docker for macOS or Windows

安装 Node.JS


Download and install Node.js

If you have a missing write access to usr/local/lib/node_modules error when installing Botfront, prepend the command with sudo and use your usual password when prompted:

sudo npm install -g botfront

Mac / Linux

Install Node.js via nvm to avoid permission errors.

  1. Install NVM
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.34.0/install.sh | bash

then do nvm -V. If you have a command not found error, do touch ~/.bash_profile and repeat the installation (curl ...).

  1. Install Node.js
nvm install --lts 

最后更新: July 6, 2021